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English 11

Mrs. Parsons

pparsons[at]  869-9636 x1211


Course Expectations


Course Description:  English 11 is a continuation of your English experience at South Seneca Central School.   In English 11 we will be focusing on expanding your English skills. This year you will have the opportunity to take the PSAT and the PACT.  All students need to take and pass the English 11 Regents. Students will read fiction and non-fiction, work on vocabulary, and write in a variety of ways using proper punctuation, grammar, and spelling. Our goal in English 11 is for you to become comfortable with who you are as a reader and writer and to identify ways that you can improve yourself.  You will be expected to write in a variety of ways. English 11 also includes integrating technology into the classroom through the use of Chromebooks. 



The following materials are needed for English 11: Chromebook, pens and pencils, and a free-read book for each class period.


Classroom Expectations:


  • Treat others in a way that you would like to be treated.

  • Respect other’s thoughts and opinions.

  • Use cell phones appropriately and at appropriate times.

  • Have Chromebook ready for class each day (charged and in the classroom).

  • Be on time for class and have all materials ready for class.



Students will be responsible for bringing their charged Chromebook to every class.  We will be using the Chromebooks on a regular basis, and not having the device will result in extra work that will have to be completed outside of class time (...the work that was missed due to not having the device)!   


Cell Phones

I expect that students will use their cell phones appropriately in class.  I understand that sometimes phones may need to be checked, but it should not be a distraction to you or others around you.  If excessive use becomes a problem, I will have a discussion with you about next steps.


Literature we will Explore

This year we will be looking at literature that helps you to discover new ideas and develop your own ideas.  We will be reading about a variety of subjects using novels, short stories, news articles, etc.  


Sustained Silent Reading (SSR)

Fifteen minutes of each class will be spent silent reading.  This is a time that each person in the room (including myself) will be reading a book, magazine, or newspaper of their choosing.  It is very important for you to be reading daily. You should choose a book that interests you because it will make your reading time much more enjoyable.  You may also read a book that has been assigned for my class or for another class. I do have books available to borrow if you have forgotten your book at home. 


You will be doing periodic check ins with me about the material that you are reading.  These check ins (and your actual participation that I witness you completing) will be part of your overall grade.  Please be sure that you are prepared and are reading when class starts. This should be the easiest part of your grade each quarter!


Google Classroom

All students will be included in Google Classroom.  This is a great place for me to be able to post assignments and notices.  Parents are able to get notifications for Google Classroom. If you have allowed notifications in the past, you are already signed up!  If you had not signed up in the past, or have a different email address, please let me know and I will get you added. Parents can choose how often to receive notifications.  Once you accept these notifications for one class, you will be connected in all classes that have that option enabled. Please note that some assignments may not be graded, but may be formative in nature (giving the teacher information on where the child is in their thinking, but not meant to be a grade in the books).


You will be earning your grade for English 11.  What you get for a grade is reflective of the work that you turn in.  


My gradebook will be split into the following categories:

Journal Entries 40%

Unit Assessments 40%

SSR Check In/Skills 20%


Completion of Work

All work is due on a specific, given due date that will be announced in class and on Google Classroom.  Generally, journal entries are due the next class. Reading Assessments must be completed in class. Projects will have announced due dates.  No work will be accepted for full credit after the due date. Partial credit may be given at the discretion of the teacher.


Plagiarism and Cheating

Plagiarism and cheating are NEVER acceptable.  Plagiarism includes using the work of anyone else and claiming it as your own.  This includes copying and pasting pieces of information off of the Internet. There are ways for teachers to check for plagiarism...don’t take the risk.


For every assignment that I assign, you will be given adequate time to prepare the assignment.  I know that your life is busy, so you need to plan accordingly. Leaving an assignment until the night before it is due is never a good choice.  If you feel that you have not adequately prepared an assignment and feel that your only option will be to plagiarize or cheat, please come see me.  


Academic Integrity is covered in the School Code of Conduct.


Leaving Class

Please sign out near the doorway to leave class to use the restroom.  You do not need to ask (unless this becomes an issue), but you do need to return quickly.  Please take the pass and when you return, sign back in. It is important that you do this so that I know where you are should an emergency arise.  Only one student can sign out of class at a time. 


Communication with Home

You are able to receive notifications from Google Classroom as one means of communication.  I keep my SchoolTool account up to date with grades on a weekly basis. Please check SchoolTool for current grades and email me with any questions/concerns.


After School

I can be available for extra help after school.  Students should arrange a time with Mrs. Parsons if help is needed on work.


Practice SAT and Practice ACT

All eleventh grade students have the opportunity  to take the Practice ACT and SAT tests. This test is in preparation for the ACT and SAT that students may choose to take later on in their high school career.  More information will be given to you as it becomes available.


English 11 Regents

Students will be taking the English 11 Regents this year.  All students will take the exam when it is offered during testing week in January.  If students pass the exam in January, they will have fulfilled their English 11 Regents requirement, but will still need to pass the course for credit.  If they do not pass the exam in January, they will be able to retake the test during the testing week in June. Students have several Regents tests to take in their Junior year, so to get the English Regents, a skills based Regents,  out of the way in January will help to give them more time to prepare for other content based Regents in June.


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